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Sterling Trader® Pro Guide

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Options Chain Window Setting Defaults

Navigate the Options Chain and Order Entry Windows with ease.

  1. From the main toolbar go to WINDOWS > OPTIONS > OPTION CHAIN
  2. Enter a symbol into the top left field, and the data will populate
  3. Customize Columns – Options Chain title bar go to, VIEW > SETTINGS > check the boxes of the columns you want shown. Then click and drag the columns in the window to arrange them to your preference.
  4. To Adjust Volatility Settings – From the Options Chain Window go to VIEW > SETTINGS > QUOTES > In the GREEKS box select either IMPLIED VOLATILITY or SERVER VOLATILITY. Whichever one you select, it will adjust for all of your options windows on the platform.
  5. Enter Options Order – Double click on the desired options symbol in the Options Chain Window to launch the Options Order Entry Window. The options underlie, expiration, strike and type are pre-filled based on the symbol you selected.
  6. Make sure the destination, quantity and price are correct and select BUY or SELL to complete your order.
  7. From the main tool bar settings window, you can adjust the auto-populated fields for the options order entry window.

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